I'll upload my favorite scenery I met on journeys around the world. Countries and Regions visited


Vatican City State

Japanese  ⇒ Sekai burarSHOT
(Digitized the film photographs taken in September 2002 with scanner)

Cortile della Pigna (courtyard of pine cone)    Surrounding buildings are Vatican Museums.

Vatican, located on the Westside of Tiber River in Rome, is the smallest state in the world. It's designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Fontana della Pigna, a former Roman fountain.  'Pigna' means a pine cone.

Sphere within a Sphere, a modern bronze sculpture 4 m in diameter.

Augustus's head sculpture

There are various galleries in the long corridor following the Sistine Chapel.

 St. Peter's Basilica

The colonnades with statues of saints in Saint Peter's Square .

Palazzo Apostolico (Apostolic Palace), the official residence of the Pope.

Egyptian obelisk in St. Peter's Square

End of Vatican.   return to countries visited

Japanese pages   Sekai burari SHOT
Photos sightseeing in Japan  Nippon burari SHOT